Subject: Come See Us: FTCLDF’s Upcoming Events

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Dear Friend,

What a busy summer! How is it already late July?

We know you’ve been busy gardening, marketing, working, caretaking, traveling, beekeeping, milking, selling, parenting, and so much more.

We’ve been busy over here, too: celebrating our 15th birthday on July 4, fielding questions from members, drafting herdshare agreements, helping members with local departments of agriculture that are changing policies, working on our Campaign for Raw Food, as well as speaking and exhibiting at events around the country. 

Come see us at an upcoming event near you:

July 29-30 in Christiana, PA
C.A.R.E. Family Days on the Farm
We will have informational materials there.

August 5-7 in Amherst, MA
NOFA Summer Conference
Our own legal specialist Christine Dzujna speaks on "Laws that Regulate Small to Mid-Sized Farms."

August 25-26 in Swoope, VA at Polyface Farms
Stockman Grass Farmer Conference
I am excited to exhibit there along with two member volunteers.

August 30-September 1 in Burlington, VT
International Workshop on Agritourism
Our own Executive Director Alexia Kulwiec will be speaking on “National, State and Local Regulation of Agritourism”

September 9 in Champaign, IL
The Bock Program and the Illinois State Bar Association
Our own Executive Director Alexia Kulwiec will give the keynote address at lunch.

October 7-8 in Front Royal, VA
Homesteaders of America
We will be exhibiting at the conference.

October 13 in Kutztown, PA
Rodale Institute Regenerative Healthcare Conference
Our Executive Director Alexia Kulwiec will speak at the conference.

October 15 in Willamette Valley, OR
Potential event in Oregon – we’ll keep you posted!

October 21-23 in Knoxville, TN
Wise Traditions Conference
We will exhibit and host our annual Fundraiser Breakfasts each morning of the conference.

November 10-12 in New Orleans, LA
Agricultural Law Educational Symposium
Board member April Jones and others will speak at this annual conference.

We hope to see you at one of these! For updates, please visit


Amelia Martin
Outreach Coordinator
Please consider making a donation to the Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund to help us continue our mission to protect, defend, and broaden the rights and viability of independent farmers, artisanal food producers, and their consumers. Click HERE to make a donation.* If you would like to mail in a donation, please click HERE. Alternatively, donations can be made by calling 703-208-FARM (3276).

*The Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund is a 501(c)4 organization.
Your donation is not deductible as a charitable contribution because donations are used, in part, for lobbying. | 703-208-FARM (3276) |
8116 Arlington Blvd Suite #263, Falls church, VA 22042, United States
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