Subject: COVID-19 Resources from Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund

Hi Friend,

For many of us in the Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund (FTCLDF) community, it didn’t take a crisis to learn that locally, sustainably grown food is better than what is provided by the large, industrial food system. Yet for others, they are finally catching on to the benefit of a food supply grown locally with a known supply chain, by local growers that neighbors can trust. We at FTCLDF are thrilled that more consumers are demanding locally grown food and are continuing to work with members regarding legal challenges to providing food directly to the consumer.

In early May, we will be sponsoring a members-only webinar about how to continue the momentum for developing their customer base brought about by the crisis. Details to come very soon.

At the same time, we recognize the increased challenges to farmers during these times
which markets are open? How does curbside pick up work and where is it permitted or prohibited? What new regulations do farmers need to be concerned with in moving from wholesale to retail?

Many local organizations serving farming communities are putting together some great resources on these topics. We have compiled just a few here for your convenience and make these available on the resources page on our website. 
Please check back for updates.

Some links we have found to be particularly helpful, from around the country:

National Young Farmers Coalition - Guide to Direct Sales Software
Materials from the Rogue Food Conference may also help (fee to access)

Please keep an eye out for our upcoming webinar series and stay safe and healthy! 

Not a current member? Join now!

Alexia Kulwiec
Executive Director | 703-208-FARM (3276) |
8116 Arlington Blvd Suite #263, Falls church, VA 22042, United States
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