Subject: Attend “Obstacles and Opportunities In Urban Agriculture” Members-Only Webinar

Dear Friend,

Have you ever wanted to garden in your front yard but weren’t allowed due to your urban location? Or keep chickens at your home in town? Or have a greenhouse in your metropolitan backyard? Then this webinar is for you!

On Thursday, April 15, we will host our live members-only webinar on urban agriculture and zoning issues featuring homesteader member Aja Yasir, FTCLDF attorney Suzy Israel, and myself. The City of Gary, Indiana accused Aja of local ordinance violations regarding her regenerative agriculture methods. We will discuss the legal issues with Aja’s case and how she and our attorney eventually prevailed. We will explore local codes that limit or encourage urban agriculture, how to research the laws in your area, and answers to related questions you may have.

If you’re not a current member, now is the time to join or renew so that you can attend this upcoming webinar! We offer memberships for consumers at just $50 annually, homesteaders for $75, farmers for $125, and artisans for $125. Find out more about membership and join HERE.

Your membership helps to fund the legal and policy support that FTCLDF provides to the nationwide community made up of eaters who care about improving their food system and the small-scale producers that grow and raise food with love.

We look forward to seeing you on April 15, 2021!

Find out more about the webinar HERE.

In good health,

Alexia Kulwiec
Executive Director | 703-208-FARM (3276) |
8116 Arlington Blvd Suite #263, Falls church, VA 22042, United States
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