Subject: Ask Illinois Legislators to Support Home-to-Market Act

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Hi Friend,

Erin Keyser of Hanover, Illinois makes healthy lunches and snacks from local ingredients in her home kitchen, truly homemade granola bars with local honey and grains and beautiful grab-n-go salads in jars with produce from her garden and neighboring farms.

But you can’t easily buy her products because existing state regulations prevent cottage food producers like Erin from selling products outside of farmers markets with few exceptions.

She cannot offer pick-up from her home, sell at fairs and festivals, ship her granola bars to your house, or deliver to your door.

Shoppers are looking for fresh, local products—and Erin wants to serve them—but current regulations prevent her from growing her business and reaching new customers.

Urge members of the Consumer Protection Committee to support the Home-to-Market Act, House Bill 2615 (HB2615)/Senate Bill 2007 (SB2007). The Committee will be hearing the bill on March 15 at 4 p.m.

Thanks to Illinois Stewardship Alliance for their work on this bill.

Please see action steps below and share this alert with friends and family in Illinois. 

Alexia Kulwiec
Executive Director

Call and/or email the members of the House Consumer Protection Committee and ask them to support the Home-to-Market Act HB2651 and what this bill would mean to you if passed.

The committee will be hearing the Home-to-Market Act on March 15 at 4 p.m.

Remember that it’s more effective to call but that sending a personalized email is also effective.

See the contact info for Consumer Protection Committee members HERE.


Last year, COVID-19 delayed some farmers markets from opening, leaving cottage food businesses without a place to sell their products or earn income. At the same time, COVID layoffs, especially in the restaurant industry, inspired new food entrepreneurs looking to earn income from their home. The Home-to-Market Act can help.

Below is a short overview of the Home-to-Market Act. You can find bill info here: HB2615 and SB2007.

What does the Home-to-Market Act Do in a Nutshell?
  • Expands sales avenues for cottage food producers to include sales at fairs and festivals, from home, online, and through home delivery, enabling cottage food entrepreneurs to reach new customers and grow their businesses.
  • Includes buttercream icing to the list of products that can be made in a home kitchen, freeing up home bakers to make cakes, cupcakes, and other in-demand baked goods.
  • Adds further food safety provisions in order to ensure public safety while reasonably allowing farmers and food entrepreneurs to operate from home kitchens.

This Act DOES NOT allow for retail sales, such as sales to restaurants, grocery stores, or distributors.

This Act DOES NOT allow for on-site preparation of foods or catering. All products must be prepared and packaged in the home kitchen.


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