Subject: Are You a Food Entrepreneur in WY or UT?

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Hi Friend,

The authors of the book Homemade for Sale, John Ivanko and Lisa Kivirist (also the organizers of the Home-based Food Entrepreneur Virtual National Conference), are looking for food entrepreneurs in Wyoming operating under the Food Freedom Act as well as food entrepreneurs in Utah. 

They want to highlight food entrepreneurs in these states sharing their stories in their upcoming second edition of the book Homemade for Sale. Ideally, they're looking for food businesses catering from home, or perhaps delivering home-cooked meals (minus the meats) directly to others in their communities. Bonus if you're doing a meals-on-wheels delivery-type enterprise, perhaps to shut-ins or underserved people.

food entrepreneur profiles may also be incorporated into Lisa Kivirist's online Udemy courseHow to Start & Market a Food Business from Your Home Kitchen.

If you're a food entrepreneur in Wyoming or Utah and may like to be featured as an entrepreneur profile in the second edition of the book Homemade for Sale or in another related outlet, please email John at


- Amelia | 703-208-FARM (3276) |
8116 Arlington Blvd Suite #263, Falls church, VA 22042, United States
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