Subject: Action Alert: Preserving Farms in Culpeper, Virginia

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Hi Friend,

A FTCLDF member has requested that we share this Virginia Independent Consumers and Farmers Association (VICFA) Action Alert for Virginia, specifically targeting the Brandy Station community in the Culpeper area. We include details here if you wish to take action. The Brandy Station community is under threat of a large industrial incursion into their peaceful farmland. This proposed massive Data Center project threatens local farms that abut the designated site. Currently, the land of the proposed site is not zoned for light industrial use and the county will have to have it rezoned.

The dangers include runoff from the watershed that would affect a farmer member of ours: a beyond-organic raw milk dairy, Honey Brook Farms, that provides an established herd share service, pastured meats and other regeneratively produced foods. Their very water supply could be disrupted, and even disappear altogether as a result of this proposed 300+ acre facility due to its overwhelming environmental impact. In addition the Honey Brook Farms would be covered by 75 to 100 feet of power lines which may impact the livestock as well as the wildlife in the area. And it does not end there: once in place other data centers could piggyback onto the site increasing the sprawl.

The rezoning of the adjacent land is unnecessary as there is already land zoned for light industrial use in the county. If you’d like to help protect and foster successful small farms in Virginia, see action steps below.

WANT TO TAKE ACTION? If you’re in the Culpeper area, you can help by calling, writing, and showing up to the next meeting.

If you’d like to help, contact the below board of supervisors members and zoning board members ASAP for farmers' rights to continue to provide safe clean food to their community.

You can still help by sharing on social media and with friends who may be affected.

1. Upcoming County Meeting:
Board of Supervisor's Meeting - Tues, Oct 4 7-9pm 302 N. Main Street, Culpeper VA

2. You can send comments and concerns to the Planning Commission, members listed below.

Submit your comments directly to Culpeper County on the proposed Comprehensive Plan.

Planning Commission Members
Sanford Reaves, Jr. (540) 222-7607 (Chairman)
Cinthia Thornhill (540) 229-6400 (Vice Chairman)
Walter W. Burton (540) 219-2624
Lance Kilby (571) 242-6268
Doug Grover (540) 522-8832
Nathanial Clancey (703) 600-9171
Raymond D. Zegley (540) 406-9270
Catherine (Katie) Reames
(540) 729-9050
Keith D. Price (540) 729-5255

3. You can send comments and concerns to the Board of Supervisors, members listed below.

Tom Underwood (540) 717-5263
Susan Gugino (540) 222-3231
Paul Bates (540) 827-9072
Gary Deal (Chairman) (540)-219-8835
Kathy Campbell (540) 729-8654
David Durr (540) 219-8124
Brad Rosenberger (vice)
(540) 222-5813
John Egertson (Co. Admin.)
(540) 727-3427
Kimberly Ellis (clerk)

Read more here:

Alexia Kulwiec
Executive Director

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8116 Arlington Blvd Suite #263, Falls church, VA 22042, United States
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