Subject: Act Now to Support the Interstate Milk Freedom Act!

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Hi Friend,

On December 12, 2019, Representatives Thomas Massie (R-KY) and Chellie Pingree (D-ME) introduced the Interstate Milk Freedom Act (H.R. 5410). The Act would prohibit federal interference with interstate transport of raw (unpasteurized) milk.

The current prohibition against interstate distribution of raw milk interferes with farmers providing this healthy product to consumers who demand it. Unlike pasteurized milk, raw milk is easily digestible and provides excellent nutritional value. Many consumers and experts agree that raw milk can decrease the rate of asthma, allergies, and some respiratory problems. Raw milk certainly must be produced in sanitary conditions with well-cared-for animals, and studies show that since 2005, the occurrence of illness caused by raw milk has decreased drastically.

Everyone should have the option to obtain raw milk legally and feed it to their families.

We seek your voice in reaching your congressional representatives in support. Please advocate for this important piece of legislation.

See action steps below and share this alert with your friends and family.

- Alexia Kulwiec, FTCLDF Executive Director
Milk Cow Action Alert

Call or email your U.S. Representative. Your impact is much greater if you call.

You can find out who represents you by going to or by calling the Capitol Switchboard at 202-224-3121.

Explain how this bill, if passed, would positively affect you.


Find out more via Representative Massie’s Press Release.

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