Dear Friend,
We were just notified about a hearing early tomorrow on a proposed amendment to the Virginia Constitution that will preserve the right to food choice for Virginians!
Constitutional Amendment; Right to Food Choice. HJ 452,
Constitutional Amendment....WILL BE HEARD TOMMORROW AT 7:00 AM!
HJ 452 proposes an amendment to the Constitution of Virginia that declares the right of the people to acquire the food of their choice, from the source of their choice, shall not be infringed.
HJ 452, Constitutional Amendment to the Virginia Constitution
In the House Privileges and Election (P&E) Sub-committee
Meeting Time: 7:00 AM
Meeting Day: Tuesday, January 28, 2025
Meeting Location: House North Subcommittee Room - 200 (second floor)
NOW IS THE TIME TO FLOOD the General Assembly, please come and support the amendment! The more we can get into the room the better!
If you are not able to come, please sign up to testify online here (you must be registered before 12 midnight tonight!) and be prepared to give a 60 second elevator speech. Short and concise, stay on topic. See suggested talking points below and just speak from your heart.
Also, there is a new feature to comment on the bill. Also, there is a new feature to allow direct comments on HJ452.
Please Email/Call the members of the Privileges and Election Sub-committee on Constitutional Amendments by 12 a.m. on Jan. 28, 2025 and ask them to support HJ452.
Show up tomorrow before 7 a.m. for the hearing at the
House North Subcommittee Room - 200 (second floor).
Spread the word by forwarding this email to your Virginia friends and family.
“That the right of the people to acquire the food of their choice from the source of their choice, with mutual consent, shall not be infringed.”
Why are we asking for a Constitutional Amendment?
We believe YOU have the right to choose YOUR farmer/food producer and enjoy the food of your choice. We believe that we all should have the right to acquire that food unencumbered by regulations in a direct farm to consumer consenting relationship. If you agree with the raising, butchering, and preparing of food YOU should be unfettered from bureaucratic control denying your food choice and your access to it.
The power of the constitutional amendment will give them a chance to say, "gov't, hands off my food, this is MY choice!".
How will the Amendment preserve our freedom of choice?
An amendment guarantees the right to the people to acquire the foods of their choice by the power of the Virginia Constitution. As such, you have the right of due process should that right be infringed. Without an amended right, farmers will still take the brunt of government control and burdensome regulations and you will be without food choice.
Adding the layer of constitutional protection of the right to food choice is necessary. Passing the Constitutional Amendment will do that. If you believe that you have the right to have access to food choice freedom do what you can.