Action Step #1
Testify in support of this legislation! If you would like to attend the hearing and/or testify via Zoom or in person, please review the GUIDELINES for oral testimony HERE. Action Step #2
Submit a written testimony in support of this legislation! If you are unable to attend the hearing in person or via zoom, please submit a PDF of your written testimony in support of this bill to the Health and Government Operations Committee on the Maryland General Assembly (MGA) website.
Please review the GUIDELINES for written testimony HERE. Action Step #3
Contact your legislator and members of the House Health and Government Operations Committee and tell them you support HB 1449! Find your representative HERE.
See members of the House Health and Government Operations Committee HERE. Action Step #4 Spread the word! Send this Action Alert email to your friends, families, and customer list.
Talking Points
1. Passage of the HB 1449 would enable family farmers to make a better living. Raw milk in other states is often the product that first draws consumers to a farm, and can increase overall farm sales.
2. HB 1449 would increase consumer freedom of choice by allowing raw milk to be purchased and sold.
3. HB 1449 would enable small, independent, dairy farms to make a better living by increasing the products they can sell that consumers want.
4. HB 1449 would keep more of the food dollar in local communities with the increase in locally-produced foods consumers can obtain.
5. The requirements for a permit over 3 cows continue to create a difficult obstacle for the small producer. |