Subject: ACTION ALERT: Act Now for Raw Milk in Louisiana; Hearing April 25, 2024

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ACTION ALERT: Act Now for Raw Milk in Louisiana; Hearing April 25, 2024

Strength in Numbers

Dear Friend,

Louisiana House Bill 467 would allow for the sale of raw milk in Louisiana for farmers who adhere to inspection and labeling requirements outlined in the bill.

HB 467 requires health tests for lactating cows and goats and specific package labeling for raw dairy. Currently, the state law does not permit the sale of raw milk to consumers, and House Bill 467 would allow for the sale of up to 500 gallons of raw milk per month.

The bill is sponsored by Republican Kim Coates, and the House Committee on Agriculture hearing will be at 9:30 am on April 25, 2024 in Room 5 of the Louisiana State House.


Action Step #1

Contact your representative! Tell them to vote "YES" on House Bill 467.

Find Your LA Representative.

Action Step #2
Contact members of the House Committee on Agriculture and tell them you support House Bill 467.

Action Step #3

Spread the word! Send this Action Alert email to your LA friends, families, and customer list.


1. Raw milk is a healthy, nutrient-dense food with a good track record for safety.

2. Passage of the HB 267 would enable family farmers to make a better living. Raw milk in other states is often the product that first draws consumers to a farrm, and can increase overall farm sales.

3. HB 467 would increase consumer freedom of choice by allowing raw milk to be purchased and sold.

4. HB 467 would enable independent dairy farms and ranches to make a better living by increasing the products they can sell that consumers want.

5. HB 467 would keep more of the food dollar in local communities with the increase in locally-produced foods consumers can obtain.

Bills like HB 467 serve to increase #foodfreedom! Please join us and spread the word about the importance of fair food and farming legislation.

In good health,

Alexia Kulwiec
Executive Director, FTCLDF

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