Subject: ACTION ALERT: Act Now for Cottage Food in New Hampshire! Hearing Is Feb. 11!

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ACTION ALERT: Act Now for Cottage Food in New Hampshire! Hearing February 11th! 

Strength in Numbers

Dear Friend,

New Hampshire has two House bills that have the potential to make major changes to access cottage foods! A public will be held on these two bills at 1:30 p.m. and 3:00 p.m. on Tuesday, Feb. 11, 2025 at the Legislative Office Building in Concord, N.H.

House Bill 304 (relative to labeling requirements for food produced in homestead kitchens) and House Bill 307 (relative to the food production area for homestead food) would expand where and how home-based food producers can sell their products by removing previous restrictions on both where cottage food operations can produce food, and sales venues for cottage foods. The bills also include new labeling guidelines for cottage food products.

The meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, Feb. 11 at 1:30 p.m. and 3:00 p.m. EST in room 301-303 at the Legislative Office Building in Concord, N.H. If you are able to testify in person, you will need to sign up to do so outside room 301-303 on the day of the hearing.


Action Step #1

Testify in support of this legislation! If you are unable to testify in person, Submit Written Testimony in support of this legislation!


Action Step #2

Contact your legislator and members of the House Environment and Agriculture Committee and tell them you support HB 304 and HB 307!

Find Your Representative

House Environment and Agriculture Committee Members


Action Step #3

Spread the word! Forward this Action Alert email to your friends, families, and customer list


  • HB 304 and HB 307 increases consumer freedom by allowing consumers to have greater access to cottage food goods in New Hampshire.

  • HB 304 and HB 307 would keep more of the food dollar in local communities with the increase in locally-produced foods consumers can obtain.

Bills like HB 304 and HB 307 serve to increase #foodfreedom! Please join us and spread the word about the importance of fair food and farming legislation.

In good health,

Alexia Kulwiec
Executive Director, FTCLDF

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