Dear Friend,
Farm-to-Consumer has been opposing the new USDA rule to require mandatory visual and electronic ID on any cattle or bison crossing state lines.
On May 9, 2024, Senator Mike Rounds (R - S.D.) introduced a simple bill (S. 4282) to combat the USDA Rule.
The bill reads, "The Secretary of Agriculture shall not implement any rule or regulation requiring the mandatory use of electronic identification ear tags on cattle or bison.”
We need you to contact your senators and urge them to sign on to Senator Rounds’ bill.
The USDA has ignored protests from independent farmers, ranchers, and concerned consumers, and adopted a rule to require electronic identification of all dairy cattle, mature beef cattle, crossing state lines.
Mandating electronic ID with it's burdensome and costly requirements, undermines the goal of promoting a resilient, more local food system. If we want to build resilient, diversified supply chains, the federal government needs to take steps to avoid regulations and policies that are prejudiced against small- and mid-scale producers, such as mandatory electronic animal ID.
The USDA has been told by numerous stakeholders for over a decade that mandatory electronic Animal ID is "a solution in search of a problem," and one that will harm thousands of small farmers and ranchers across the country.
The agency is not listening, and it is time for Congress to step in.
The solution is simple: Keep the 2013 Animal Disease Traceability Rule unchanged, allowing farmers and ranchers to identify their animal with traditional forms of ID, whether low-tech, or electronic, depending on which works best for their operations.
We have to stop this – and we only have six (6) months before the new rule takes effect. We urge you to take immediate action and voice your opposition to electronic animal ID mandates!