Subject: ACT NOW for Nebraska Food Freedom!

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Hi Friend,

Nebraska LB 324 was heard before the State Agriculture Committee, and we hear that the hearing went well. The committee may be voting very quickly and we need your help contacting members of the committee with your support.
LB 324 would modify the Nebraska Meat and Poultry Inspection Act to allow for the investment in meat share arrangements similar to that currently allowed in Wyoming.

LB 324 Section 10 would allow local producers to enter into meat share arrangements with the end consumer and provide meat from livestock directly to the consumer without violating the state meat inspection law. An informed end consumer would not violate state law by obtaining, and a producer would not violate the law by producing, meat obtained through a meat share agreement. This avoids the problem of long waits at local state inspection facilities.

Under the bill, the end consumer must take ownership of the share prior to slaughter, the meat cannot be adulterated or misbranded, and only the owners of the herd can obtain the meat for their personal use and that of their families. The producer must include a warning label, and end consumers would not be able to resell or donate the meat obtained through a meat share. The law would limit producers in one year to no more than 25 swine, 10 cattle, or 50 sheep or goats.

This bill would go a long way towards assisting local producers and consumers in working together to safely have livestock processed and provided to an informed end consumer.

Please see action steps below and share this alert with friends and family in Nebraska.

Alexia Kulwiec
Executive Director

1. Call or email your Senator asking her/him to support LB 324, especially if s/he is on the Agriculture Committee. The Ag Committee members are listed below. To find your legislator and his/her contact information, search for your senator HERE.

The Senate Agriculture Committee:

Sen. Steve Halloran, Chairperson
Sen. Tom Brandt
Sen. Tom Brewer
Sen. John Cavanaugh
Sen. Tim Gragert
Sen. Mike Groene
Sen. Ben Hansen
Sen. Steve Lathrop

You may also file written comments today HERE
  • Local producers and end consumers are suffering from a crisis in meat slaughter and processing. Currently, processors are being scheduled into 2022 and 2023 at this point for slaughter of their animals. This may drive local producers out of business and drive local consumers to lose access to a local and healthy food supply.
  • Let policy makers know if you are a producer or end consumer and why this is so important to you. 
  • If you are a producer, describe the difficulties you may have experienced in bringing animals to slaughter and processing, the long wait times, the cost of maintenance that this requires, and the stresses animals undergo in traveling long distances for slaughter and processing.
  • If you are an informed end consumer, please let your legislators know why you seek access to this process. Do you support local food? Do you recognize the health benefits of local grass fed beef?
  • LB 324 is vital for the viability of small farmers and producers by allowing for local sale of locally grown livestock and other meat products.
  • Wyoming has not experienced one safety allegation or health concern since passage of its own meat share amendment to its food freedom bill one year ago.
  • LB 324 will keep more of the food dollar in the community enhancing the local economy.
  • LB 324 will provide for self-sufficiency of small food producers by assisting in moving animals quickly to slaughter and processing. With the current crisis in access to slaughtering, small producers can’t afford maintenance of their animals and will either go under or at least will be forced to destroy and waste meat from healthy animals because of the lack of access to slaughter and processing facilities.

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