Subject: 🎬🏆[Part 3] Affiliate marketing video ranking tips...

🎬🏆[Part 3] Affiliate marketing video ranking tips...

November 25th, 2019 at 6:40 pm BST

... I went to see Frozen II with my hubby at the weekend... No we don't have young kids. And yes he was a reluctant participant. Lol! But we both loved it and were both blubbing towards the end. Shh! Don't tell him I told you ;) Here is part 3 of my ...

😍👌[Part #2] How to make $386 with one affiliate promo...

November 22nd, 2019 at 3:54 pm BST

... Yesterday I gave you an action plan to help you make good commissions with a little (no-hype) light launch jacking. I earned $386 from my recent Convertri promotion - and you can do just as well with your own affiliate promos. I also promised to ...

👀 How to make $386 with one affiliate promo... 😎

November 21st, 2019 at 5:02 pm BST

... Here is the Affiliate Marketing method that I promised a couple of weeks back. Sorry it's taken so long, but my head has been full of jelly until now (that's jello to any Americans). It was that yucky lime-flavour jelly too, not a lovely strawber ...

⚡️ 30-50% open rates? 😲 Here's how it's done [time sensitive]

November 17th, 2019 at 11:10 am BST

... [This is a resend - How to write emails that get 30-50% open rates and sell] I don't know if you've heard of The End of the F***ing World? It's a dark comedy-drama on Netflix... And if you like that sort of thing it is... HIGHLY ADDICTIVE! My ...

🏰🐲 Stories sell! Here's why...

November 15th, 2019 at 4:17 pm BST

... I don't know if you've heard of The End of the F***ing World? It's a dark comedy-drama on Netflix... And if you like that sort of thing it is... HIGHLY ADDICTIVE! My hubby and I watched the first episode of series 2 last Sunday afternoon... And ...

🤑👌 Here are 30 of the best affiliate programmes...

November 13th, 2019 at 4:19 pm BST

... I've still got the lurgy... It's like some alien lurgy that has attached itself tightly to my nervous system and refuses to let go... Although given that my recent blood test results show that my immune system is stuggling (among other things) pe ...

🙃 This is madness... Autoresponder Madness 💌

November 5th, 2019 at 3:23 pm BST

... Did you know that the first evidence of pillows dates back to 7000BC in Mesopotamia where stone slabs were used to support the neck... Not very comfortable I'm sure you'll agree, but I guess they served their purpose... after a fashion! Now I'm s ...

🤔🔍 How does Bert affect your website?

October 29th, 2019 at 4:46 pm BST

... This week I was planning to tell you how affiliate marketing can make you more money with less work, based on the results of my Convertri affiliate promo last week... But I've got the lurgy and my brain is too fuddled to think properly, so that w ...

👀 Use WordPress? Here's a shocking fact... 😨

October 25th, 2019 at 1:13 pm BST

... WordPress is a great platform - for blogs... But if you're using it for your opt-in pages and sales pages you are most likely losing leads and sales! Now bear with me, while I explain... Whilst I love WordPress, it has a huge weakness that affec ...

❓[FAQ] Convertri, You and a Dog Named Boo 🐶

October 24th, 2019 at 12:43 pm BST

... If you need a fantastic page builder but you're still on the fence about Convertri, here's a FAQ to answer the questions you might be pondering... But first let me say that Convertri is 100% Geek-Approved by yours truly :) Convertri is a hugely i ...