Subject: 😞 Worst business decision ever?

😞 Worst business decision ever?

October 17th, 2018 at 4:21 pm BST

... A long time ago in a studio far, far away, 20th Century Fox made one of the lousiest business decisions – ever... In 1973, George Lucas negotiated a deal with Fox Studios on a film he wanted to direct – sort of a space western. Fox had offere ...

=?utf-8?B?8J+Rvg?= Monsters, mushrooms & working smart...

October 9th, 2018 at 4:47 pm BST

... I've spent way too much time playing Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild in the past few days... I'm not terribly good at combat, but I really enjoy the puzzle element and exploring the environment... Just by messing about picking up items and ch ...

=?utf-8?B?8J+UkA?= The secret key =?utf-8?B?8J+UkA?= to income security (when you stop faffing)

October 6th, 2018 at 2:55 pm BST

... Ask any successful marketer (big or small) and they will tell you that somewhere within their portfolio, they have a service with recurring fees. It is the absolute KEY to income security online. Once you have a successful continuity based produc ...

✹ The Holy Grail of income and how to get it... ✹

October 5th, 2018 at 12:43 pm BST

... I sent this yesterday, but you may have missed it... In days of old, when books were sold, But the Internet wasn't invented, Shops did their sales in the middle of the road, And the kids were all contented... OK, maybe that was a bit lame! ;) Bu ...

How green eggs & ham will help your business...

October 4th, 2018 at 5:32 pm BST

... In days of old, when books were sold, But the Internet wasn't invented, Shops did their sales in the middle of the road, And the kids were all contented... OK, maybe that was a bit lame! ;) But books weren't always sold on the High Street... Th ...