Subject: ❓[FAQ] Convertri, You and a Dog Named Boo 🐶

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If you need a fantastic page builder but you're still on the fence about Convertri, here's a FAQ to answer the questions you might be pondering...

But first let me say that Convertri is 100% Geek-Approved by yours truly :)

Convertri is a hugely impressive platform, but there's a lot to take in.

So here's the need-to-know stuff, in brief.

What is Convertri?

It’s the world’s most advanced funnel builder. I love it!

What’s so special about the 2019 update?

This is Convertri: Video Edition. The team at Convertri are the first and only people to solve the problem of video pushing your page-speed off a cliff.

You can now use video with no negative impact on your page speed - and build the most advanced video pages ever.

What’s so advanced about them? 

The Convertri player is tightly integrated with Convertri’s accelerated pages which means you can add levels of interactivity not possible anywhere else.

What makes Convertri special?

So much stuff. 

- Some people love the page speed. Convertri’s pages are the fastest on the internet, loading faster than you can blink. 

(Which is super important, you lose so much traffic if your page is slow)

- Some people love how often it gets updated. There has been an update or feature release every Tuesday since launch, even on Christmas day on year!

- But one of my top favourites is the true free-form editing - completely without content blocks, it’s the closest thing to Photoshop-for-your-website that you’ll find.

- Plus there's the fantastic Page Importer that lets you clone any existing web page!

- And now, there’s the NEW video features that let you craft completely unique video experiences with zero negative impact on your page speed.

So yeah, actually, that's my favourite bit!

See it here 

Can you only build sales funnels?

Nope. You can build single pages or full websites as well if you like.

Sales funnels are what the platform was originally designed for, but because the system’s so flexible, Convertri users have done all sorts of amazing things.

You can even sell websites to clients by cloning theit existing pages to Convert and showing them the amazing speed benefits of Convertri.

What’s their uptime like?

Pretty amazing, if I’m honest. Convertri uses a thing called ‘separated publishing’.

It’s all a bit techie, but what it means for you is if the app ever goes down, it doesn’t affect your pages

And if you’ve ever used some of the other platforms out there, you’ll understand just how HUGE that is.

And Convertri pages are fast?

The fastest. And not in a fake news sort of way ;)

They automatically optimise images, minify code, and the CDN has been custom-designed for speed. 

That means regular 90+ scores on Page Insights and pages that load in a heartbeat.

Even on video pages?

Yes, their Presto Player is the only video player to have practically no impact on your PageSpeed Insights scores. (YouTube player = +2 seconds. Presto Player = +0.3 Seconds!)

What do I get in the platform?

You get a full-featured video player, the funnel planner, the page editor, the mobile page builder, 45 amazing templates, integrated hosting, analytics, 10 custom domains, 10 subdomains, and so much more!

Plus, the page importer which usually belongs in a higher priced package.

Do I get SSL?

Yep, it’s all included.

What’s the offer here?

$297 for 12 months.

So I have to sign up for a subscription?

, this is the really cool bit. Usually, with stuff like this, you get surprised by another bill in a year’s time. But not here.

If you want to keep using Convertri, after a year, they’ll let you sign up at a discounted rate - but it’s your choice. They’re confident enough in their product to put you in charge.

How long do I have to decide?

At the time this e-mail went out, just over 24 hours

Will I see this offer again?

Anything’s possible. But it seems pretty unlikely. When they’ve been selling at $636/year. I don’t know why they’d keep this big a discount open for long.

Where can I get my licence?

Right here

Phew! That was a long email! Hope it helped :)

But as always, if you have any questions, just hit reply.

May the Force be with you!

Sally "geek-approved" Lazarus

PS Remember that I wouldn't recommend anything that requires a degree in astro-physics to use.

I have been using Convertri myself since 2016 and would NEVER go back to Clickfunnels!

A lot of people have already jumped on board but the Convertri offer ends tomorrow.

So if you're not sure, take some time to check it out now, so you don't kick yourself later.

PPS If you were waiting for the dog named Boo. Here he is, busy working on his Convertri site ;)


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About the Author

Hi there! I'm Sally Lazarus! I'm an Online Marketer, wife, mother and massive geek…

I started out as a programmer many moons ago, before the Internet as we know it was born… No, not when dinosaurs roamed the Earth! How rude! :P

I've been working online since late 2011. I don't claim to be some sort of guru, but I aim to make the techie stuff easier for you by sharing my best tools, tips, tricks and step-by-step methods to help you get things done more quickly, leaving you more time to do the stuff that actually makes money.

I'm an ethical marketer and always check things out properly before I share them with you. I wouldn't recommend anything that I didn't believe in or wouldn't use myself :)

Marketing Geekery, 7 Pool Crescent, NP19 4BJ, Newport, United Kingdom
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