Subject: ★ The secret twist that makes it easy to succeed ★

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Happy Wednesday! It's a belated start to the week for me...

I thought it would be fun to spend 5 hours in A&E (ER) on Sunday morning with palpitations that had kept me up all night...


Fortunately it was nothing serious and I was sent on my way with betablockers (yay me!).

I'm feeling a lot better now, albeit pretty tired and a bit black and blue from all the needles they stabbed into me. Lol!

I'm just grateful that working online means I can take it a bit easier when I'm not feeling my best, although I wish I'd got into it earlier...

Do you ever wish that you had got involved in the good old days when making money online was seemingly much easier?

You didn’t need a PHD to work out Facebook, G+, YouTube, SEO and you didn’t need to worry about what Google might spring on you next.

Nope, back then you could have working income streams set up in hours, and I'm told it was pretty easy!

Today this whole 'Make Money Online' thingy seems to have become pretty complicated...

But it doesn't have to be if you follow Mark Bishop's Hookum method.

I'd not heard of Mark before, but I picked this up earlier and I really like his teaching style, plus the method looks very promising.

It's not going to earn you a gazillion dollars by tomorrow, but it will show you how to set up tiny little evergreen income streams which take just 1 hour of work (and around $5 each).

On the face of it this method is similar to any other list building / affiliate marketing method, but with a secret twist that makes it easy to succeed.

The subtle lead magnet tweak on p.9 is actually genius IMHO - I don't know why I didn't think of it myself!

This works in any niche and traffic is covered too and although I haven't watched the entire video yet, I had never heard of the first traffic source at around 4:45 in the welcome video.

It boils down to this...

Can you give something away for nothing?…

Of course you can!

And that’s all you have to do in order for Hookum to work for you…

Just give 'em away… make money & build a list. Simples! :)

Watch this video to find out more

As always, hit reply with any questions. I'm happy to help :)

May the Force be with you!


PS Hookum is currently under $9, but if you can do without the case study you can actually get this clever affiliate marketing / list-building method for under $5 (just try to exit):

PPS This could easily be outsourced too to add one more income stream for you.

About the Author

Hi there! I'm Sally Lazarus! I'm an Online Marketer, wife, mother and massive geek…

I started out as a programmer many moons ago, before the Internet as we know it was born… No, not when dinosaurs roamed the Earth! How rude! :P

I've been working online since late 2011. I don't claim to be some sort of guru, but I aim to make the techie stuff easier for you by sharing my best tools, tips, tricks and step-by-step methods to help you get things done more quickly, leaving you more time to do the stuff that actually makes money.

I'm an ethical marketer and always check things out properly before I share them with you. I wouldn't recommend anything that I didn't believe in or wouldn't use myself :)

Marketing Geekery, 7 Pool Crescent, NP19 4BJ, Newport, United Kingdom
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