Subject: 📧🚩 The first email in 1791?


If you've read the Discworld novels by Terry Pratchett, you may know that "the clacks" was used to communicate long distance, using a network of semaphore towers 🚩

It worked by sending a message in semaphore from one tower to the next to relay a message across long distances.

It was based on the semaphore telegraph, which sent its first message on this very day (March 2nd) in 1791.

And the first ever message was, “Si vous reussissez, vous serez bientôt couvert de gloire

- If you succeed, you will soon bask in glory.

And well-deserved glory too! 🤩

Can you imagine what it must have been like before it was invented?

It could have taken days via horse to deliver an urgent message.

We're so lucky to have instant communication methods like email these days!

And I'd love to keep in touch with you when I move to ActiveCampaign.

So if you would like to stay on my list, please opt-in here, where you can also download my new free report - List Building Tools For Non-Geeks here:

As always, any questions, just hit reply.

May the Force be with you!


PS Download my new free report - List Building Tools For Non-Geeks and stay on my list when I move to ActiveCampaign: 

PPS The first ever actual email was sent in 1971, but the guy can't remember what it said 🙄

PPPS You get geek points if you can name the Discworld book where the clacks was first introduced 😎

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I help non-techies save time by showing them the best marketing tools and solving their technical headaches.

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