Subject: ⚠️😂 Terrible joke alert...

Prepare to groan...


OK, it's Friday, the sun is shining and my brain is on holiday, so as a more enticing alternative to work, here's a terrible joke...

Are you ready to groan? Here goes...

Q: What happens when dinosaurs drive cars? 🚗

Have a think about it and I'll tell you a bit, but first, here's a reminder that I will be moving to ActiveCampaign soon...

So click here if you want to stay on my list

You'll also be able to download my brand new free report 🙃

And the answer to the all-important dinosaur joke...

A: Tyrannosaurus wrecks! 😂

Just hit reply with any questions... or terrible jokes 😀

May the Force be with you!

Sally "Told you it was terrible!" Lazarus

PS I gave the wrong link in a couple of recent emails, but here's the correct one to stay on my list when I move to ActiveCampaign:

What I Can Do For You

Pic of Sally

I help non-techies save time by showing them the best marketing tools and solving their technical headaches.

I specialise in email list building and affiliate marketing.

Click here for more tips & tools for non-geeks


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I've been AWOL on and off recently due to alien abduction... oops, I mean health issues and also, well, you know...

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