Subject: 🏰🐲 Stories sell! Here's why...

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I don't know if you've heard of The End of the F***ing World?

It's a dark comedy-drama on Netflix...

And if you like that sort of thing it is...


My hubby and I watched the first episode of series 2 last Sunday afternoon...

And 4 hours later we had watched the entire 8 episodes! Lol!

If you've seen it, you'll know that it can be quite heavy-going in places, but there's a lot of laugh-out-loud humour too...

And it's such a compelling story, it keeps you watching.

You can employ the same technique in your emails.

Everyone is a sucker for a good story and if you get it right, you'll have people hanging on your every word.

That means they'll look forward to getting your emails, open pretty much every one and even check you're OK if you don't email for a few days!

They will also trust you enough to buy your stuff - whether your own products or affiliate recommendations when the time is right. 

Powerful stuff!

Story emails are only one of 5 types of emails that you can send to engage your list and make sales.

But Infotainment is the key!

Educate and Inform.

This allows you to sell without being salesy. Which is cool by me :)

My friend and mentor, Mark Thompson, uses these techniques to get 30-50% open rates on his emails!


This stuff works!

So if you would like to learn how to write Emails that allow you to sell without selling then for the next 3 days Mark is running a Flash Sale for Email Infotainer. 

It's possibly Mark's best product ever!

Click here to check out the details

And to sweeten the deal he's throwing in The Email Marketers Handbook and the Email Challenge too.

I actually bought Email Infotainer and The Email Marketer's Handbook when they first came out and highly recommend them.

In fact, I buy everything that Mark puts out, he's that good!

As always, any questions just hit reply :)

May the Force be with you!


PS Learn to write emails that sell without being salesy with Mark Thompson's Email Infotainer, plus The Email Marketers Handbook and the Email Challenge too. Find out all the details here

Flash Sale ends in just under 72 hours at the time of writing.


“People think that stories are shaped by people. In fact it’s the other way around …” Terry Pratchett


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About the Author

Hi there! I'm Sally Lazarus! I'm an Online Marketer, wife, mother and massive geek…

I started out as a programmer many moons ago, before the Internet as we know it was born… No, not when dinosaurs roamed the Earth! How rude! :P

I've been working online since late 2011. I don't claim to be some sort of guru, but I aim to make the techie stuff easier for you by sharing my best tools, tips, tricks and step-by-step methods to help you get things done more quickly, leaving you more time to do the stuff that actually makes money.

I'm an ethical marketer and always check things out properly before I share them with you. I wouldn't recommend anything that I didn't believe in or wouldn't use myself :)

Marketing Geekery, 7 Pool Crescent, NP19 4BJ, Newport, United Kingdom
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