Subject: 🤩 Ooh, this is so clever! I love it!


I have been banging on about ActiveCampaign a little bit this week...

Oh OK, maybe a lot.

So here's a quick illustration of why I'm loving it so much 😃

The automations are easy to use, yet very powerful.

Not only will they save you time, but you can use them send more relevant content to your subscribers, which will lead to more sales.

I have only scratched the surface of what can be done, but let's have a look at my fairly basic automation below:

Enable images to see this ActiveCampaign automation

When someone subscribes to my list, they enter into this automation where you can do all sorts of clever things #TechnicalTerm

What I particularly like here is what happens if the subscriber hasn't opened the welcome email after 4 hours:

  • A reminder email is sent

  • Then the automation waits for up to a week until the original welcome email is opened OR the reminder email is opened.

  • If one of those emails gets opened, the subscriber gets redirected into the "yes" branch higher up and will go through all the actions below that.

You can even see a subscriber's path through the automation (see the black arrow on the left), so you can troubleshoot any problems.

I am very grateful for that one! 😂

Plus you can easily test the automation with your own email address without having to delay for any "wait" conditions by clicking "skip this wait action".

So clever! I love it! 😁

Eventually there will be more emails in the sequence - but I hope you get the general idea.

If you want to see for yourself, you can get a free trial of ActiveCampaign here:

As always, just hit reply with any questions.

May the Force be with you!


PS Download my brand new free report - List Building Tools For Non-Geeks here:

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Pic of Sally

I help non-techies save time by showing them the best marketing tools and solving their technical headaches.

I specialise in email list building and affiliate marketing.

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