Subject: ☀ Join me in my Escape Plan...

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I've been feeling a bit discombobulated recently...

Maybe you know the feeling? 

A bit confused and not sure if your online business is going in the right direction...

The way I've been doing things (and most likely the stuff you've been taught to do) just isn't working well anymore...

Some things aren't working at all.

For instance, I bought a solo ad recently and the opt-in rate was shockingly low...

And hardly anyone opened the first email to download my lovingly-created freebie.

Complete waste of money!

And so frustrating that it would test even Mary Poppins' patience...
Enable images to see Mary Poppins' displeasure
Time to give up?

No way! Never!

I'm way too stubborn for that and I hope you are too :)

So I've been having a rethink and during a Strategy Session with Mark Thompson - a marketer I've been following for some time (not in a creepy way!) - I remembered how much I love his no-BS and simple marketing methods.

Mark is a very smart cookie (mmm... cookies...)

He and his business partner Tim Goodwin have dispensed with the BS that generally pervades the Online Marketing world.

They don't want you to buy all the latest must-have tools but focus more on age old techniques that still work to this day.

Their focus is on teaching you strategy...

I'm betting that your current strategy is a bit hit and miss (I know mine is!)...

You may never be quite sure what you should be doing from one minute to the next...

Should you write a blog post or email your list or create a video...

And so you look for answers on YouTube and end up watching a video about how to talk to a hippopotamus! ;)

How would you like to change all that and have a proper strategy where you know exactly what you should be doing at all times?

The Escape Plan is your ticket to make that happen

Don't get me wrong, it still takes focused work.

It might not be quite as easy and cute as this dog escape, but it will remove a lot of stress from your life!
enable images to see the cunning dog escape
The Escape Plan will give you a simple structured process to work through to build your online business.

There currently are over 30 courses making up the overall Escape Plan...

Covering everything from Facebook to e-commerce to creating high converting emails and everything you'll need to run your business...

Not got time to go through that many courses?

That's where a bit of marketing genius comes in...

Mark and Tim are taking the key elements of these 30+ courses and creating a foolproof step by step way for you to build your online business :)

Not just theory but guided step by step instructions complete with workbooks etc.

Does that sound like something that you need to help you build your business?

I'm personally pretty excited to get going with it! :)

This is only going to be available to members of Serious Marketers Only and I wouldn't be surprised if the price rises once the work is done...

So click here now to ESCAPE from your daily grind and start building a solid, sustainable and profitable online business today

This is not one of those fly-by-night courses that relies on loopholes or gimmicks. Mark and Tim are building their whole business around it.

So if you are fed up with the same old BS that doesn't work, then this will be like a breath of fresh air for you :)

As always, any questions, just hit reply :)

May the Force be with you!


PS Just starting on the steps Mark and Tim lay out for you will get you further than 99% of those $2,000 goo-roo courses. Make building an online business easier, by clicking here:

PPS I love the great tips and how-to videos that Mark and Tim are sharing in the Facebook group every day too. And they're always happy to answer questions as well.

About the Author

Hi there! I'm Sally Lazarus! I'm an Online Marketer, wife, mother and massive geek…

I started out as a programmer many moons ago, before the Internet as we know it was born… No, not when dinosaurs roamed the Earth! How rude! :P

I've been working online since late 2011. I don't claim to be some sort of guru, but I aim to make the techie stuff easier for you by sharing my best tools, tips, tricks and step-by-step methods to help you get things done more quickly, leaving you more time to do the stuff that actually makes money.

I'm an ethical marketer and always check things out properly before I share them with you. I wouldn't recommend anything that I didn't believe in or wouldn't use myself :)

Marketing Geekery, 7 Pool Crescent, NP19 4BJ, Newport, United Kingdom
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