Subject: 🏆😎 How to succeed in 2020... [Resend]

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When Alice fell down the rabbit hole, she entered a confusing world of even more confusing characters... 

She gets pretty lost and asks the Cheshire Cat for directions... 

“Would you tell me, please, which way I ought to go from here?'
'That depends a good deal on where you want to get to,' said the Cat.
'I don't much care where -' said Alice.
'Then it doesn't matter which way you go,' said the Cat.
'- so long as I get SOMEWHERE,' Alice added as an explanation.
'Oh, you're sure to do that,' said the Cat, 'if you only walk long enough.”

Cheshire Cat gif
And therein lies the problem for a lot of us marketers.

I know because I've been there...

Buying every shiny thing that crosses your path without any thought to how it might get you to where you want to go...

But if you don't know exactly where you're going, you're probably never going to get there...

And if you do somehow get there, how will you know?

It's not good enough to say I want to make $5k / month.

HOW are you going to get there?

Which Direction image
Don't wander around lost for another year...

Marketing doesn't need to be difficult!

Whether you are a course creator or an affiliate, asking yourself just 7 questions will get you pointed in the right direction and allow you to grow your business...

Click here to answer those 7 questions for your own business and make 2020 your best year ever!

You have to sign up, but it's FREE! 🤓

As always, just hit reply with any questions.

May the Force be with you!

Sally "2020 vision" Lazarus

PS. Maybe you have high hopes that 2020 will somehow be magically different (I thought that for years!)...

But the truth is that if you have been lost then the start of a New Year will make no difference...

Until you CHANGE something.

Been there, done that. Not fun!

Find your 2020 Online Marketing Roadmap here


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About the Author

Hi there! I'm Sally Lazarus! I'm an Online Marketer, wife, mother and massive geek…

I started out as a programmer many moons ago, before the Internet as we know it was born… No, not when dinosaurs roamed the Earth! How rude! :P

I've been working online since late 2011. I don't claim to be some sort of guru, but I aim to make the techie stuff easier for you by sharing my best tools, tips, tricks and step-by-step methods to help you get things done more quickly, leaving you more time to do the stuff that actually makes money.

I'm an ethical marketer and always check things out properly before I share them with you. I wouldn't recommend anything that I didn't believe in or wouldn't use myself :)

Marketing Geekery, 7 Pool Crescent, NP19 4BJ, Newport, United Kingdom
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