Subject: ❤ Hooked! ❤

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It was my birthday at the weekend. Hubby and I took Thursday and Friday off...

As luck would have it, we managed to pick the rainiest few days in months!


So we turned to Netflix.

And we started watching Ozark...

Fifteen minutes later we were hooked!

By Sunday night we had watched the whole of the first season and most of the second one!

Have you ever got hooked on a series like Ozark, Breaking Bad or Stranger Things?

There is a reason for their cult-like following, and you can use that device to get your new subscribers to open your emails and LOVE you.

Something BIG happens at the end of every episode of shows like this...

Something that makes us think, "Holy cliffhanger, Batman! They can't leave it there! What happens next??!"

Shocked woman image OMG
And we are hooked.

We can’t wait to see the next episode.

If we’re watching a TV show, we are guaranteed to watch the next episode as soon as it's on even though we have to wait an entire week to see what happens...

And if we’re binge watching on Netflix, we immediately start watching the next episode, even if it’s 1am and we need to go to work in a few hours.

So how do these shows get us hooked?

With something called an open loop.

Us humans like our stories to be neat and tidy. There should be a beginning, a middle and an end.

But when we only get the beginning and middle but no end, it drives us crazy. 

We have to know what happens next. And that’s why we tune in again.

In the next episode, the cliffhanger from the previous episode gets resolved.

Then the story continues and we're happy until all of a sudden, OMG!! 

Something else BIG happens and now the show is over and we are once again salivating for the next episode.

So how do you use this to hook your new subscribers forever?

I'll tell you next time! ;)

As always, any questions, just hit reply.

May the Force be with you!


PS Want to learn more stuff like this? Join me in Serious Marketers Only 

With 40+ courses, it is everything you need to create and grow your online business in one place!

And if there's something you need to know, just ask and Mark or Tim will often do you a video or even a whole course on it!

It is honestly the best business investment I have ever made! I have learned so much :)

NEVER buy another expensive course again!

About the Author

Hi there! I'm Sally Lazarus! I'm an Online Marketer, wife, mother and massive geek…

I started out as a programmer many moons ago, before the Internet as we know it was born… No, not when dinosaurs roamed the Earth! How rude! :P

I've been working online since late 2011. I don't claim to be some sort of guru, but I aim to make the techie stuff easier for you by sharing my best tools, tips, tricks and step-by-step methods to help you get things done more quickly, leaving you more time to do the stuff that actually makes money.

I'm an ethical marketer and always check things out properly before I share them with you. I wouldn't recommend anything that I didn't believe in or wouldn't use myself :)

Marketing Geekery, 7 Pool Crescent, NP19 4BJ, Newport, United Kingdom
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