Subject: ❓🧙 Coming on this mission... quest... thing?


One of my favourite conversations from The Fellowship of the Ring is just after everyone has been discussing how best to deal with the One Ring.

They decide that it has to be taken to Mordor to be destroyed to protect the world from Sauron's evil.

Frodo, a simple Hobbit, bravely offers to take it, in spite of the incredible danger.

Eventually, it is agreed that various others will accompany Frodo, which which point Frodo's two Hobbit friends jump out from behind a pillar and insist on going too...

Pippin says, "Anyways, you need people of intelligence on this sort of... mission... quest... thing."

So it is agreed and then Pippin, pipes up with:

  "Great! Where are we going?"

Maybe it's just me, but it cracks me up every time! 😂

Anyway, I have been on a mission myself this year...

I have moved to new hosting - A2 in case you're interested.

And now I am moving to a new email service provider - ActiveCampaign.

And if you want to come along too, opt in to my new list here: 

I can't promise it will be as exciting or dangerous as Frodo's journey to Mordor, but there will be substantially more marketing tips and tools.

You can also download my new free report - List Building Tools For Non-Geeks.

As always, any questions, just hit reply.

May the Force be with you!


PS Download my new free report - List Building Tools For Non-Geeks and come along when I move to ActiveCampaign: 


What I Can Do For You

Pic of Sally

I help non-techies save time by showing them the best marketing tools and solving their technical headaches.

I specialise in email list building and affiliate marketing.

Click here for more tips & tools for non-geeks


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