Subject: 🙃 Ch-ch-ch-changes + free download


If you read my last email, you'll know that I recently moved my websites to A2 Hosting.

Now my sites load at warp speed, rather than the speed of a 1000-year-old, 3-legged tortoise. I will not miss Hostgator!

Anyway, I promised to tell you what else I've been working on in the background...

Having set the new-slate ball rolling with my hosting, I have also started the process to move from GetResponse to ActiveCampaign to handle my email marketing.

I didn't take this decision lightly, but spent time researching the best autoresponder for me.

I've been reasonably happy with GetResponse, but from time-to-time I've had major delivery problems with them. And I know I'm not the only one.

I tried out ConvertKit, fully intending to move over.

But after playing with all the features, I realised that it just doesn't do what I want.

If you just want a basic email service, or you're just getting started, ConvertKit is perfectly OK.

But if you want to do anything slightly complicated, then ActiveCampaign is in a whole other class.

I've only just scratched the surface of what it can do (especially with automations) and I love it already!

If you want to know why, you can learn more on page 11 of the brand new free report what I wrote - you'll have to be of a "certain age" to get that! There's another clue in my signature ;)

Click here to download List Building Tools For Non-Geeks

If you download it you'll also stay on my list because my move to ActiveCampaign will be permanent soon.

As always, any questions, just hit reply.

May the Force be with you!

Sally "bring me sunshine" Lazarus

PS If you want to stay on my list when I move to ActiveCampaign, please opt-in here:

What I Can Do For You

Pic of Sally

I help non-techies save time by showing them the best marketing tools and solving their technical headaches.

I specialise in email list building and affiliate marketing.

Click here for more tips & tools for non-geeks


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