Subject: 🥦 Bubblegum-flavoured broccoli 😲


I'm not not big fan of MacDonald's, although their TV ads are often pure genius...

But did you know that McDonald's "genius" once extended so far as to invent bubblegum-flavoured broccoli in an attempt to get kids to eat healthier? 🙈

Oh, the irony!


I can't deny that I'm all for improving the taste of certain vegetables, but this sounds like an idea made in hell!

Unsurprisingly, McDonald's bubble burst when they tested this strange concoction on actual children who were left confused 😕 so the idea was abandoned.

Bubblegum broccoli might not be a winner, but I hope my marketing tips and tools 🛠️ have helped you over the weeks, months and years 🤓

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PS Download my new free report - List Building Tools For Non-Geeks and keep getting marketing tips & tools when I move to ActiveCampaign: 

PPS Let me know if you try broccoli 🥦 with bubblegum. I'm keen to know what it tastes like 😅

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