Vote Yes August 7! Genesee County Arts Education & Cultural Enrichment Millage
Dear Friends and Supporters, On Tuesday, August 7, you will have the opportunity to vote on a millage that would provide free admission to Sloan Museum and half price admission to Longway Planetarium for Genesee County residents, as well as other discounts across the Flint Cultural Center campus. The millage would also inject $500,000 in grant funds annually into arts and cultural organizations across the county. The average Genesee County family would pay about $48 per year to support this millage, and a family of four would recoup that value in just one visit to Sloan Museum and Longway Planetarium.
We urge you to vote yes on this ballot initiative and support the sustainability and accessibility of arts and cultural organizations in our community. This millage would represent a county-wide investment in arts and culture as an economic driver, potentially resulting in increased property values and job growth for our region. We are excited about the possibility of bringing our community together to celebrate and invest in arts and culture. Be sure to vote absentee if you will be out of town Tuesday, August 7! For more information, visit
Today is the last day to register to vote!
Register at the Genesee County Clerk's Office: 900 S. Saginaw St. Flint, MI 48502
Or, register at one of the following Secretary of State Branch Offices:
North Genesee County 4256 W. Vienna Rd. Clio, MI 48420
Flint Downtown 408 S. Saginaw St. Flint, MI 48502
Davison 300 N. Main St. Davison, MI 48423
Flint Area SuperCenter 5512 Fenton Rd. Flint, MI 48507
Todd Slisher Executive Director Sloan Museum and Longway Planetarium