| | Special activities planned for the near-total eclipse on April 8 |
|  | A near-total eclipse will occur on April 8, 2024. In Flint, the eclipse will begin at 1:58pm with the maximum eclipse of the sun occurring at 3:13pm. These rare events only occur when the Earth, Moon, and Sun align just right. Buy your customized Longway Planetarium logo'd eclipse viewing sunglasses in advance for just $2/pair (while supplies last) inside Longway and Sloan Museum gift shops, and then bring the family to Longway Planetarium on April 8, Noon-5 p.m., for an afternoon of fun and fascination, including:
- Free telescope solar viewing on the lawn
- Free Build an eclipse viewer hands-on activity (while supplies last)
- Free Solar and lunar paper eclipse hands-on activities (while supplies last)
- Free Viewing of NASA’s eclipse stream in the planetarium lobby
- Special showings of Totality! every 30 minutes in the dome ($3/person)
Safety Notice: Please remember it is never safe to directly view the Sun without special equipment. Our telescopes will be fitted with solar filters and eclipse glasses are currently available for purchase in the gift shop during lobby hours Tuesday-Wednesday 9:30 a.m.-5 p.m., Thursdays-Friday 9:30 a.m.-9 p.m., Saturday 11:30 a.m.-9 p.m., Sunday 11:30 a.m.-5 p.m. Learn more at SloanLongway.org/Eclipse.
| Check Out the March 2024 Planetarium Shows |
| | First Friday Feature: "Eclipses in Ancient Civilizations"
Fri., March 1, 6 p.m.
| New Show - Totality! - Opens March 2 (30-min. show, with live local talk to follow)
Sat/Sun, 1 p.m. (March 2-April 7, 2024)
Be moonstruck about the upcoming total solar eclipse crossing North America on April 8, 2024. Learn how an eclipse happens, how to safely view it, and the exact path where totality will occur. Each show will conclude with a live presentation by one of our presenters. Learn more. Buy tickets. (*Special showings on April 8 during the Solar Eclipse events from Noon-5 p.m. at Longway Planetarium) |
| | | STARS: The Powerhouses of the Universe, Sat/Sun, Noon(full-dome show, recommended for ages 5+) |
| Dinosaurs of Antarctica Sat/Sun, 2 p.m. (full-dome show, recommended for ages 5+) |
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Skies Over Michigan Tues-Sun 3 p.m. (Live format astronomy show) |
| Birth of Planet Earth Tues-Sun 4 p.m. (full-dome show, recommended for 12+)
| | Laser Lights Shows through March 30!
New Laser light shows, complete with laser beams and a fog machine for special effects, are showing for a limited time at Longway on Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays through March 30, 2024. Go to SloanLongway.org/LaserLightShows for tickets and information, or check out the shows below. From Taylor Swift fans, to 80s rockers and old-school Motown groovers, there's a laser light show for everyone under the dome! |
| Laser Motown - 6 p.m. Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays Jan. 11-March 30. Buy tickets. |
| Laser Taylor Swift - 7 p.m. Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays Jan. 11-March 30. Buy tickets. |
| Laser AC/DC vs. Guns 'N Roses - 8 p.m. Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays Jan. 11-March 30. Buy tickets. |
| | | Free "Books & Stars" Book Club at Longway Planetarium |
| BOOKS & STARS BOOK CLUB for March 2024:
Cosmic Queries, by Neil DeGrasse Tyson
Date: Wednesday, March 6, 2024 Time: 5:30-6:30 p.m. Location: Longway Planetarium 1310 E. Kearsley St. | Flint, MI 48503
Free with general admission
Learn more about the free monthly book clubs here. Register in advance here. Walk-ins welcome. |
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| Our Mission: We engage communities on a learning journey in history and science. Our Vision: Every experience creates an empowering aha! moment of discovery. |
| | | Longway Planetarium
1310 E. Kearsley St. | Flint, MI 48503 |