| | Website will temporarily be offline February 26, 2025, 11am-2pm |
| | ATTENTION VISITORS: Sloan Museum of Discovery will be migrating to a new website on Wednesday, February 26, 2025. During this transition, our website will be temporarily offline from approximately 11am-2pm. If you want to purchase online tickets to the current special exhibit, 2theXtreme, or book a program during this timeframe, please email us at Sloan@SloanLongway.org, or call Guest Services at 810-237-3450. For school field trips, Scouting programs or groups visits call 810-237-3409, or email to Reservations@SloanLongway.org. Thank you for understanding while we get a brand new website ready to roll out! |
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Sloan Museum of Discovery 1221 E. Kearsley St., Flint, MI 48503 |