Subject: Explore snowy science with Winter Wonder Camp

Join us for a hands-on science camp during Winter Break!
Join us for a hands-on science camp during Winter Break!
1st-3rd Grades and 4th-6th Grades

Monday, December 28 – Wednesday, December 30
1:00–4:00 PM
Longway Planetarium
Fee: $65 | Member Discount: $60
We’ll be experimenting and making in Winter Wonder Camp! Investigate heat transfer while testing mugs and cups for hot cocoa. Explore states of matter while freezing, melting, evaporating, and condensing matter. Make paper snowflakes while learning about symmetry. Enjoy these and many more fun and fast-paced winter-themed STEM activities.

Safety Highlights
Small Group Sizes: Program spaces will be limited to 10 participants and restroom breaks will be staggered to limit contact between groups.
Hygiene: Program spaces and furniture will be sanitized before each program. Supplies (scissors, glue sticks, etc.) will be sanitized before use and will not be shared.
● Masks: Masks must be worn covering the nose and mouth at all times when inside the building.

We are taking many precautions to maintain social distancing and keep participants safe. Read about our COVID-19 safety protocols.
Longway Planetarium
1310 E. Kearsley St. Flint, MI 48503
810-237-3400 | Email
1221 E. Kearsley Street, Flint, MI 48503, United States
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