Subject: Inspiring a man's commitment (💡 conversation)

Marriage + Proposal + Engagement deep dive

Yesterday's Manifest True Love coaching call was one of the most fun and interesting since the beginning of the program.

I had the pleasure of going deep with one of our most successful members. Not only has she manifested love during her time with us in the program-- she's reached the point where the relationship is getting serious.

Listen to the call recording here:

Here's just a preview what we talked about:

  • Desires and requirements around engagement, proposal (should she TELL him she wants something big and awesome? or should she keep quiet?)

  • When and how to have a conversation with a man about commitment

  • How men think about marriage and what often holds them back when they love you but haven't proposed yet

  • More! Come listen

Our next call is October 5, 2022 at 11am pacific / 2pm EST / 7pm London

Much love,
