Subject: Your Whole Life Can Change Starting Tomorrow!

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Are You A Leader?
Before you answer that question, please read the following definition:
A leader is any person who realizes the importance of becoming
a bigger and better person with the passing of every day, week and month, and who takes responsibility for their own growth.

Being a leader is actively creating positive momentum in your business and personal life. It’s being in control of your life. And it’s spending your days the way that you want.

Is that the kind of life you’d like to lead?

If so, you may be interested in something called

It’s a new way of looking at leadership. In fact, it’s such a unique and empowering concept that Bob Proctor, Sandy Gallagher and Blaine Bartlett are hosting a two- and-a-half-day event by that same name.
As I was recently asked "What is one of my most recommended ways to learn more about the law of attraction?", I was then emailed by Brian Proctor about this event and it clicked. 

Bob Proctor live is one of the best ways to learn more and grow faster with the law of attraction without breaking the bank.

It all starts Tomorrow! I am in and will be streaming it, I hope you make the decision to join in as well! 

Talk to you soon,


, PO Box 463, seaside, oregon 97138, United States
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