Subject: Your Account Is Being Deleted..


Are you still interested in online business and

I am working on cleaning up my contact list
and I want to stay connected with you if it makes
sense - but also don't want to send you emails you
aren't interested in...

So... Can you do me a quick favor?

If you DO want to keep your account and
stay connected, click here to like our Facebook page!

If you DON'T want to receive any more updates
from me, please click here to unsubscribe
(or there is also a link at the bottom of this email).


Have questions?

Go ahead and reply to this email and we'll do our best to answer them...

No matter if you decide to stay or go, thanks for being a subscriber.

All the best!



P.S. Don't forget to "Whitelist" my email:

If my emails don't get through, you will miss so many amazing STUFF!, Skogsmulles Väg 9, 146 34, Tullinge, Sweden
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