Subject: [Important] my apologies and big announcement

Hi Friend,

Please accept my sincerest apologies for crowding your inbox back to back this week.
I have been silent for awhile and have been bursting to share tons of info with you.  I promise I won't do it again next week.

Now on to the big announcements...

I have two new features that will be hosted on Bold New Biz that may be of interest to you.

First, I will be hosting a new series called "One to Watch" on Wednesday's.  This series will put the spotlight on you & your business. If you would like your business featured on BNB you can apply here.

  • This is a great opportunity to get your name out there.
  • Get more traffic to your site and business offerings so you can gain other marketing opportunities.
  • Gain credibility and bragging rights..."As featured on"

Go ahead an apply now.

I will also be hosting an "Ask Lisa" series. If you have a burning question this is your chance to have it answered. Come on girls this is FREE coaching, so get those questions ready.  To submit a question hit reply or click here.

Don't worry you only first names will be mentioned so you can remain anonymous. And remember no question is silly, so ask away.

I hope I have been redeemed from causing inbox overwhelm.  I can' t wait to see your applications and questions!

Have a great weekend.

See you at the top!

Bold New Biz, Box 3422 Penn Estates, East Stroudsburg, PA 18301, United States
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