Subject: Can You Grow Your Dojo Without The Internet?

Can You Grow Your Dojo Without The Internet?

January 21st, 2015 at 2:47 pm CDT

Friend, A few weeks back I connected with Alex Changho - Alex is a former martial art school owner turned business coach, and he has some very interesting ideas on how school owners can grow their schools... ...without having to rely on the internet ...

Is Web Marketing Really The Best Way To Get New Students?

January 20th, 2015 at 9:37 am CDT

Friend, Here's a question for you... Is web marketing really the best way to enroll students? The reason I'm posing this question to you is because I've known of several successful martial art school owners who built their schools without relying o ...

How To Stop Being A Broke Martial Arts Instructor...

January 15th, 2015 at 9:10 am CDT

Friend, My podcast guest for the week got sick and had to reschedule, so instead of another podcast episode I have a new blog article for you... Now, fair warning on this article - if the topic hits a little too close to home, I can guarantee that w ...

Will Your STORM Team Get Your Dojo Shut Down?

January 13th, 2015 at 2:37 pm CDT

Friend, Let's face it - a lot of martial art schools wouldn't survive without all the free help they get from their students. I get that, but I'll also tell you it comes with a lot of hidden dangers. A few years back, one of the most successful schoo ...

How Dave Halved His Dojang And Doubled His Profits...

January 12th, 2015 at 4:04 pm CDT

Friend, Hey folks, tomorrow I have another edition of the podcast coming out. It's on a topic that every school owner needs to hear about, so make sure you keep an eye out for it... But for today, I wanted to send you a story that I shared on the bl ...

5 Ways To Use Video To Market Your Dojo...

January 9th, 2015 at 10:04 am CDT

Friend, Hey folks, the New Year has taken off like a rocket, so I haven't had time this week to do another podcast episode. So instead, I thought I'd send out this link to an article I wrote a while back that shares 5 ways you can use video to marke ...

Why Martial Arts Marketing Is About Failing Forward...

January 8th, 2015 at 10:38 am CDT

Friend, So, I spent all day yesterday installing a site redesign on a client's website. It took me two days of work before that to do the actual redesign, and then the installation went sideways on me so it took me all day to straighten it out. To s ...

If You're Losing Prospective Students To Other Schools, Read This...

January 7th, 2015 at 7:28 am CDT

Friend, An instructor contacted me the other day to vent about how he was spending a lot of time on the phone with prospective students, explaining why people should train at his school instead of with his competitors... ...and yet, instead of joini ...

660 Adult Students In One Location... Are You Kidding Me?

January 5th, 2015 at 3:37 pm CDT

Friend, Hey folks, I'm back after my holiday hiatus, and I have an awesome podcast episode for you today... Last week I interviewed Mark Slane of the U.S. Krav Maga Association, and man... this guy has built some crazy numbers by teaching krav maga i ...