Subject: Get Small Dojo Big Profits for 50% Off Until Monday at Midnight...

Get Small Dojo Big Profits for 50% Off Until Monday at Midnight...

November 29th, 2014 at 8:07 am CDT

Friend, Okay, so I lied. As it turns out, you can eat too much on Thanksgiving Day. I did, and I paid for it. And, I'm going to pay for it some more today in my workout. Anyway, I didn't write to tell you about what a glutton I was over the holiday. ...

Mike Massie's Black Friday Sale - Here's The Link...

November 28th, 2014 at 7:47 am CDT

Friend, No fanfare, no hype (except on the sales page, lol)... ...just a bunch of stuff marked down 50% until the end of the weekend. Here's the link: My Second Annual Huge, Ginormous, Completely Unheard Of (Except Last Year) 50% Off Black Friday Sa ...

How NOT To Market Your Dojo...

November 27th, 2014 at 1:07 pm CDT

Friend, Happy Thanksgiving to all my subscribers in the U.S. (and to U.S. citizens living abroad). I'm still taking it easy (and by the time you get this, I'll likely be taking a long nap after pigging out on turkey and stuffing). So, here's another ...

Something To Chew On Over Thanksgiving...

November 26th, 2014 at 8:27 am CDT

Friend, I'm taking it easy for the next few days... So, as promised, here's an oldie but goodie from the MABD blog: The Top 7 Martial Arts Advertising Mistakes Now, off for some family time. Best regards, Mike Massiehttp://martialartsbusinessdaily. ...