Subject: How To Keep Students Coming To Class...


Ever wonder what makes students quit martial arts?

I mean, they must've been really interested in training at some point, right?

Because, if you think about it, it's kind of a hassle to start taking martial arts.

You have to research schools online, call around, suffer through all the bullshit appointment setting routines that half these schools do...

...and then, you have to show up to class.

Remember what that first day was like? 

A new environment, with its own strange language and rules.

You don't know anyone, and everyone looks at you like a newbie or fresh meat (unless a friend brought you - but then they're probably in the "advanced" class).

The instructor gives you a little one-on-one time, then they throw you into class - sink or swim time, right?

But yet, you came back for some reason. Over and over again.

So what in the heck would make someone want to give up, after all that hassle?

Well, that's what we're going to examine over the next several emails.

Stay tuned.

Until next time,

Mike Massie

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P.S. - We could easily examine the whole "starting martial arts" process that I just described in this email, breaking it down to determine every little choke point that causes prospective students to turn tail and run. And, we will, eventually. But for the immediate future, we're going to focus on what makes active students bail. Why? Because it's easier to keep an existing student, than it is to recruit a new one.
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