Subject: How Do You Grow A Martial Art School?


Good news! It's time for another email series to commence. 

Here's what's coming up in the Best Damned Martial Arts Business Newsletter over the next couple of weeks...

Do You Know How To Grow?

One thing I've noticed in coaching martial arts instructors and school owners over the last 15 years or so is that most lack a strategy for growing their schools.

When I ask them what their strategy is for growing their dojos, they'll usually respond with silence, or say something like, "Get more students!"

Which is obvious, but there's a lot more to it than that. Getting new clients is only the first part of the equation. Managing that growth is the second part.

And not managing it can kill your growth. You'll lose new students just as quickly as they walk in the door, and you'll find yourself working way too hard and spinning your wheels. It's frustrating, and ultimately unnecessary.

Years ago I had a coaching client who won a contest that I ran to see how many new students a single school owner could enroll in a specified period of time. This client took every bit of advice I gave him, and he enrolled just over 100 students in three months.

Unfortunately, he didn't have a growth plan in place to manage all those students. And he never told me he was having difficulties keeping them, maybe because of embarrassment or perhaps he just didn't know he was losing them because he wasn't keeping track of his stats.

After all was said and done, he ended up right back where he started before, or close to it. All that hard work got washed down the drain.

Marketing is just the first step. Managing your school's growth is what will ensure that all your hard work doesn't go up in smoke.

That's why you need a growth plan. And that's what I'm going to cover over the next couple of weeks in the newsletter.

Until next time,

Mike Massie

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P.S. - I wish that guy would have come to me, to let me know he was having issues keeping students. A few simple dojo management and retention strategies would have allowed him to keep the majority of those students.
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