Subject: Friend, Join Us For An Exciting New Venture...

Friend, Join Us For An Exciting New Venture...

September 1st, 2021 at 12:00 pm BST

Hi Friend, As promised last week, I have an exciting new betting strategy to share with you today that I hope will suit you down to a tee... To find out if this is for you, I highly recommend you watch the brand new video and report I've put togethe ...

Tomorrow's £¼ MILLION Jackpot...

August 27th, 2021 at 10:36 am BST

Hi Friend, When a Scoop6 jackpot gets to £¼ MILLION, it gets exciting and that's what's happening tomorrow... Would you like a share with a syndicate which has won the jackpot 5 times since 2019 and has most recently had... - 5 winners, 4 times ...

[RESULTS] Your Perfect Betting Strategy...

August 25th, 2021 at 12:00 am BST

Hi Friend, Earlier this month we asked you to help us find your perfect betting strategy by filling in a short, 5 question survey... A Big Thanks to everyone who filled it out - we've received well over 1,000 completed surveys and this has massively ...

200K+ Rollover On York Ebor Day...

August 20th, 2021 at 10:30 am BST

Hi Friend, Tomorrow there is a £200,000+ Scoop6 rollover on the last day of the York Ebor Festival... We will be working hard to achieve a 6th jackpot win (in just over 2 years) and we'll also be providing our famous major race tips, most likely in ...

Real (Free) Inside Racing Information...

August 19th, 2021 at 12:00 am BST

Hi Friend, We have a really interesting service for you today that is completely Free... These guys get REAL Inside information and this has resulted in some BIG winners recently... "Thanks to Over 20 Years of cultivating relationships with Gen ...

Win £400 Per Share Tomorrow...

August 13th, 2021 at 10:15 am BST

Hi Friend, This Saturday's rollover jackpot is likely to reach £200,000... So if we have a £5000 stake and you have just 1 share, an outright win could give you a return of around £400... The more shares you have, the bigger your potential retur ...

Results Update | Rollover Scoop6...

August 6th, 2021 at 10:45 am BST

Hi Friend, First off, a big thanks to everyone who has completed our short "perfect strategy" survey. If you haven't and would like to help us find the perfect betting strategy for you, you can fill it out HERE Second, we have a rollover Scoop6 tomo ...

Help Us Find Your Perfect Betting Strategy...

August 3rd, 2021 at 12:00 am BST

I've a strange conundrum that I'm hoping to get your help with today Friend... As you know, here at Lucrative we're always researching and developing new betting strategies, and each season our aim is to share the very best strategy with you... But ...

The Best Investment In The World...

July 31st, 2021 at 2:00 pm BST

What's the best investment in the world? ... Self-Investment. Acquiring new skills to make you better at doing what you do, is the best way to spend your time and money. Period. And that's exactly what I've been covering this week... How you can beco ...

Be Part Of Our £7K Rollover Perm...

July 30th, 2021 at 10:49 am BST

Hi Friend, Last Saturday, we came painfully close again to winning the jackpot with 2 winners and four 2nds, beaten by a nose, a short head, a short head and a neck. We did win £2,015 in Place Fund dividends which should secure us an entry in this ...