Subject: £57 For Free...

£57 For Free...

October 13th, 2020 at 8:58 am BST

This week only, Matt from Geegeez is offering us his coveted "Trainer Track Stats 20/21" report completely free of charge... Normally the report costs £57, and if you know anything about Matt / Geegeez you'll know they're stuff is the very best in t ...

Big Stake Planned For Saturday...

October 9th, 2020 at 11:00 am BST

Before last Saturday's Scoop6 was abandoned, we collected £3300 in stakes which we're using this Saturday instead... If we all buy the same share again, we'll have a stake of around £6000 which will reduce the odds against us by more than 3,000-fol ...

[FINAL WARNING] 4 Hours And It's Gone...

October 7th, 2020 at 8:00 pm BST

We're closing the doors for good at midnight tonight, in JUST 4 HOURS... So this is you very last, final opportunity to turn your betting into an extremely lucrative and rewarding venture for the upcoming season... All that's left for you to do is... ...

Today's Qualifiers [Open Up]...

October 7th, 2020 at 10:00 am BST

Today's qualifiers have just been posted... Go Here To Get Free And Instant Access Here's just a few bits of the feedback we've received since we launched last month: "I would also like say that it is the best British racing service I have ever su ...

How To Win 547.89 Points Per Year...

October 6th, 2020 at 6:00 pm BST

Today's results are in... Our new members didn't have to wait long for their first winner, with our first selection of the day Glass Of Bubbles storming to the finish line over 6 lengths ahead of the favourite... We were paid out at 17/2 SP / 13.11 ...

⚡️ FLASH SALE ⚡️ We're Open! ...

October 6th, 2020 at 11:55 am BST

Great News Friend… We've just re-opened the doors to Hidden Winners! So for the next 36 hours only, you can register for a week’s worth of FREE selections at the link below... CLICK HERE To Get Started Since our last set of published results in ...

Free Trial Dates | 4 Wins + Two 2nd's Last Saturday...

October 1st, 2020 at 4:27 pm BST

By popular request, I'm happy to announce that the doors to Hidden Winners will re-open next week... At Midday on Tuesday 6th October to be exact, so be sure to mark this in your diary as we have a strictly limited number of spaces available, and it ...

Results Update | £272,482 Rollover...

September 24th, 2020 at 12:26 pm BST

Time for a quick results update... It's been just over 3 weeks since we launched Hidden Winners on September 1st, and our trial week was a little more "up and down" than we'd have liked... But since then, the service has really found it's stride and ...

New Free Tips Group | A Wise Crowd? …

September 22nd, 2020 at 10:00 am BST

A new tips group run by punters, for punters, has been gaining quite a bit of interest recently... ...and we're writing to you about this because we get a fair few requests for email or app-based tips, but unfortunately the majority of our services a ...

Gold Cup Day 3 | Our Shortlist For The Main Event...

September 19th, 2020 at 10:17 am BST

For the 3rd and final day of Ayr's Gold Cup meeting, we're having a crack at the main event... From a betting standpoint, it looks even tougher than last week's St Leger, with 25 runners vying for the win over a short 6 furlongs... Here's the 3 runne ...