Subject: Your Free Membership To A Proven Service...

Take 30 seconds to grab your Free Membership to a Champion Tipster...

Just a quickie today, but I wanted to let you know about this now, as I'm not sure how long it's going to be up for...

Today we have the opportunity to get access to a proofed and proven tipster. This has consistently been among the top services proofed to Racing Index, and has amassed over 1000 points since it began...

You'll get their fresh list of "10 to follow" horses, that are most likely to come out on top over the next few weeks (and at Cheltenham festival)... 

Considering this is currently available completely free of charge, i.e no card or paypal details to hand over, it's definately worth checking out in my opinion...

Kind Regards,
Lucrative Racing Trust

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