Subject: Winners at 10/1 and 5/2 yesterday (More Inside)

Hi again,

We're really on fire at the moment, with another two wins yesterday to add to the bag. That makes five in total over the past week, including:

Captain George at 12/1
Present Trend at 10/1
Lord Ben Stack at 9/1
Solstalla at 5/2
Zwayyan at 6/4

Get access to these selections now and you'll be covered for the upcoming St. Leger and Gold Cup festivals - 

I've updated the results to include August, which you can view using the link above - we're now showing a 195.96 point profit so far this year. 

From £25 stakes you would have pocketed £4,899.00 - imagine what you could have done with this amount of extra cash!

I'm very excited to share these selections with you, which is why I'm giving you two weeks full access, literally for pennies - 

Enjoy the St. Leger this weekend!

All the best,
Lucrative Racing Trust

P.S. I'd originally planned to offer the two week trial until the end September, but I've had a lot more members on board so far than anticipated. 

To keep the members numbers manageable, I've decided to take the offer down on Sunday so make sure you sign up before then.
You may unsubscribe or change your contact details at any time.