Subject: Will You Win A Free Annual Membership? ...

I'd planned to send this over sooner, but have been really busy lately so apologies if you were starting to wonder...

When joining the Racing Revolution, you may remember me giving you the option to upgrade and enter a prize draw to win a Full Years Membership Completely Free...

I've decided to run the prize draw on the week beginning the 4th December...

Why wait so long? I hear you ask...

This is simply to ensure everyone entered is still with us after the first month, and will get the most out of a free membership if they win...

As with all things, there are always a few "tyre kickers" with a get-rich-quick attitude, who unfortunately won't use the service properly or will jump ship at the first sight of a run of losing bets...

Never Mind...

In my opinion, this strengthens the Racing Revolution community as we share the same mindset, and also means I can spend less time on time-wasters, and more time providing you with additional value... 

Just to note, you will only be entered in the prize draw If you chose to upgrade to the annual membership during the launch...

I'm probably starting to sound like a stuck record, but this service is all about long term success, and if you've already committed for the year I know you'll stand to benefit the most from receiving the prize...

That's about it for today, but I'll be back with the draw results in a couple of weeks, and a nice early Christmas gift for our lucky winner!

Kind regards,
Lucrative Racing
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