Subject: Why We're 4X More Likely To Win This Week...

It turns out tomorrow's Scoop6 odds are unusually low...

The lowest the Scoop6 Club has ever seen them, in fact, and they've been in this game a long, long time...

The odds of winning the Scoop6 tomorrow are 387,072/1, which I'll admit seems high on face value, but if we compare that to last week where the odds of winning were 1.5 Million to 1...

We're 4 times more likely to win tomorrow!

And, seeing as the Scoop6 Club picked up 5 winners from 6 last week, when their chances of winning were 4 times lower...

It looks like we've picked an excellent week to give this a go...

We already have almost £3,000 in our pot which is growing by the minute, but the deadline is Midnight Tonight so this is your last chance to get involved...

And for everyone who purchases a share, I'll email you all the extra tips, shortlist, perm selections etc. before racing starts tomorrow.

 - Michael
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