Subject: Why Resolutions Don't Work...

We're only 3 weeks into the New Year, but any resolutions we made on January 1st are probably already becoming tiresome...

Maybe you resolved to eat healthier, exercise more, drink less, quit smoking, or perhaps with regard to your betting, to stop losing money...

Whatever the case, recent studies show that 80% of us give up on our new years resolutions by the second week in February. Some of the most common reasons for quitting include...

 - Picking unrealistic goals
 - Not planning properly
 - We don't have support
 - Not allowing enough time to form a habit

Since the latest science tells us it can take anywhere from 2 to 8 months to develop a new behaviour or habit, it's clear that the majority of people quit way too soon...

But contrary to popular belief, it's not hard to change behaviour or create new habits IF we do so based on science...

And we can distill the science down into 3 simple steps...

1. You MUST pick a small action. "stop losing money" isn't a small action, so we need to choose something more specific like "only bet using a proven strategy" or  "follow a profitable tipping service".

2. You MUST attach the new action to a previous habit. Most of us have previous experience betting, so all we really need to do here is replace old betting habits (which may include quitting during losing runs, chasing losses, gambling etc.) with our new action.

3. You MUST make the new action easy to do for the first week. The science tells us we need to practise the new habit 3 to 7 times before it will "stick" on it's own. The key here is to make you new action as easy as possible to perform at the outset...

From our perspective, the easiest and most profitable action you can take right now is to start using a profitable tipping service. With that in mind, we have recently re-opened the doors to our top performing service from 2020, Hidden Winners...

This service only takes a few minutes per day to follow, and returned in excess of 260 points last year (£2,600+ at £10 stakes)...

When you join us today, you'll even receive FREE access to the service for your first week...the perfect amount of time to get your new, winning habit to stick.

Warm Regards,
Michael & The Lucrative Racing Team

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