Subject: Where Did This 80% Go? (Results Inside)...

Over 80% of trial memberships for The Shortlist have already been taken...

I want to give you an idea of the average short-term performance when you start using The Shortlist...

So I had a look at our results for the last two weeks...

Winning bets: 31
Placed bets: 42
Total profitable bets: 73
Strike rate: 44.79%
P/L: +28.08 points
Profit at £10 level stakes: £280.80

This is slightly higher than our long term average in terms of strike rate, but all in all gives a good idea of what to expect from the Shortlist in the coming weeks...

As as a measure of my confidence, I'm shouldering the risk for the first 30 days of your membership...

so if for whatever reason you aren't in profit within 30 days, and you don't wish to give the service more time to improve, I'll be happy to refund your membership fee 100%...

I will have to taken this offer down soon, so if you want this you know what to do.

Thanks in advance,
Lucrative Racing

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