Subject: What Will Brexit Mean For Online Betting? ...

Now that we've survived the Halloween Ghouls for another year...

...let's address the potentially more serious scare of Brexit, and what it's likely to mean for betting enthusiasts...

As you may already know, the original leave date of October 31st came to an end when a 3 month "flextension" was proposed by ambassadors on Monday... now they're making up words as well as deadlines! ...

The upshot of all this is that nothing really happened yesterday, and probably won't for for another 3 months or so...

But what will happen when the UK does eventually leave the EU? ...

Well, although there are likely to be changes to the industry as a whole, taxes and job losses being the main concerns...

For us punters, the good news is that there are...

 - No expected regulation hurdles, meaning all your current bookmaker & exchanges accounts will continue to function as normal.

 - No expected tax changes on the player side, regardless of whether a deal is made or not.

This may get a little more complicated for overseas players, but in light of the extension, it's business as usual for the foreseeable future...

...which means now is the ideal time to start creating a serious income from your betting...

All 100% tax-free, of course...

Thanks in advance,

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