Subject: WOW! Now That Was Unexpected...

Well, I have to say that this was completely unexpected...

When I announced the training webinar on how to generate £5,000+ from your betting yesterday, I figured the interest level would be pretty high...

And that we might end up with 1,000 or so participants by the time the show starts on Thursday...

Turns out I was way off the mark...

In less than 24 hours, over 2,500 people have signed up!

Looks like a LOT of people are sharing this right now, so I've got my tech wizards doing overtime to make sure EVERYONE can attend and watch...

If you haven't yet done so, you can Register To Attend Here >>>

Also, an important note for our members...

From yesterday's email regarding my upcoming sabbatical, I've had a few concerned emails with regard to the services we currently run through Lucrative Racing... 

Whether it be The Shortlist, BackLucrative, Trainer Tips, or Race Elite...

Sorry for the confusion...and please don't panic!

ALL these services will continue to run as normal in future, thanks to my support team who are going to be helping with the admin side of things (i'll still be finding the selections, of course)...

However, I won't be doing any additional content - free systems, video tutorials, reports etc - that I normally get round to creating, at least not over the late summer / autumn months.

Hope that clears things up, and I hope to 
see you on the webinar this Thursday, June 27th at 11:00 AM BST.

 - Michael Carr
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