Subject: Today's Lucrative Tip Is In The 11:34 Chantilly...

We're finally back in business (albeit not quite business as usual just yet) with our France tipping warm-up over the next couple of weeks...

Starting today, with our Lucrative Tip coming from the 11:34 Chantilly...

I'm opting to go with half my usual stakes for the time-being...this is a warm up after all, and I'm having to do without one or two of my most heavily-used research tools until it's back to business here in the UK.

One more thing...I don't currently have a system set up to send these "tip alert" emails every day...

If you'd like to start receiving daily tip alerts, please hit reply and let me know. If there's enough interest, I'll have a look at getting something set up.

Kind Regards,
Michael and the Lucrative Racing team
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